Sunday 1 June 2008

our splendid list of achievements

Now that we have finally finished this nine day long skipettydoohdah, it is time to look back upon what we have achieved...


we did raise quite a lot of money for diabetes research

walk across some devon..

get wet...

and had delicious breakfasts! (involving plenty bacon!)

from channel to glimmering channel

Here we are getting our feet wet one last time, this time in the Bristol Channel at Lynmouth.

Having had no major upsets and only a couple of hypoglycaemic hiccups (as it were) along the way, we head happily home. I do confess to having slightly tired feet.

Thank you for your attention and support.

Big Joy! Home Return!

Well, back home again. Oh joy, to massage our throbbing feet, to bathe in hot water, and to lie down in our own beds. Also- HEY! where've my walking boots gone? What, finished, you say? Perish the thought! We British never stop! What-ho, toodle pip and all that blither (hehe-blither)
but I definitely think I'm going to miss the walking every day thing. Ah well- Even more foot/leg torturing walks to do...

Why not next year?

No- even better- TOMMOROW!

Oh Damn...

By Wilf

All in one piece

We are back home now. All in one piece; tired but mercifully free of blisters, sprains, strains and other nasties.
It has been a great experience, notwithstanding the weather, and we would like to thank everybody for their support, whether financial, moral or practical.
We would also like to thank our hosts along the way, who without exception were charming and hospitable beyond the call of duty.
Last thoughts and final totals for sponsorship will be added here over the next few days.
It still isn't too late to sponsor. Nag your friends!!