Monday 26 May 2008

Another Day and Yet More YUCKY Yuck...

Today, we set off from Lower Hookner Barn (near North Bovey) into, as the title tells you, yucky yuck and very low visibility. We tramped along various fields, and all the while the drizzle developed into rain, feet got wet, etc. And as we skipped joyfully up onto the moor, we all began thinking something along the lines of 'Oh, so rain is ALL we're going to get?' (Well, at least that was what I thought) and, now on a lower notch of merriment, trudged onwards-maybe upwards, but who knows, with the visibility we had? So, more general trudging, saying 'Ow. My face hurts'-because of the rain pelting horizontally at us, but all in all, I found the trudging quite enjoyable; although by now my feet were utterly soaked. The only life forms visible-not counting the plants- amounted to a few sheep, some herds of cows, and maybe some (Imaginary?) Horses.

We eventually get down off the moor and started tramping, joy of all joys, along lanes- green and otherwise. We get under the cover of a hedge long enough to enjoy some stimulating chocolate-We weren't exactly short of supplies- And carry on trudging, now through some fields. Eventually we reach a house, but there is a complaint that it is in the wrong place... This conundrum eventually solved, we started following the river Teign, got under cover of some woodland, and saw a sculpture that looked like a walnut looking like a brain(or was it a brain looking like a walnut?).

Now we are happily sitting by the fire in our third B+B, I am allowed to Blog, Oli is watching telly, and the parents are reading the papers (Yesterdays). There's only one problem. We're going to have to walk even further tomorrow, and it is DEFINITELY going to rain again...

By Wilf (youngest member of the Rake family)

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