Saturday 31 May 2008

Barely alive blogging from the edge of a black hole

Now don't get me wrong. I have nothing but praise for the quality of North Devon's landscapes, the beauty of its rambling moors and majestic brooks, the charm of its snuggly little villages, and the friendliness of its people. But, hello! Any idea what century this is folks? No wi-fi anywhere, barely even any mobile phone signal (the posts headed 'live blog' have been sent on the hoof from my mobile), running water and electricity (other than that coming out of thunder clouds) exceptionally rare.
This is why blog posts have been somewhat lacking.
Yesterday our lovely friend Sue came up to join us for a spot of light walking before lunch and offered to post some updates if we let her have the password. But there was an evil glint in her eye when she made the offer, and I feared that we'd find unsuitable accounts of us getting up to no good.
Anyway, we have a broadband link now, and by golly we are going to use it! Expect a full catch up service and the frequent use of the word 'rain' over the next couple of hours.

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