Saturday 31 May 2008

Day 8 -- and suncream is used in anger for the first time

By my reckoning we've not been rained on (or is that, 'at'?) to any serious degree for 3 days now!

Came into Exmoor National Park yesterday - and crossed the border into Somerset (oo-er; the badlands). Exmoor seems very different from Dartmoor, it consists mainly of little bits of moor - you can pretty much always see the edge. Managed our first attempt at an actual picnic on day 6 on the first outlying bit of moorland we crossed - also crossed by the A361, as it happens, so the herds of free roaming deer less evident than the heavy lorries pelting up the link road. Picnic didn't last long, as it started to rain..

Yesterday due either to confusion or incompetence, we found we'd managed to book ourselves intoB&Bs only 5 miles apart. Since at current rates of super-fitness this would have meant arriving just about in time for elevenses, we needed to find something to do to fill the day. What about - some more walking?! So we took a detour down the very pretty beechwood clad, babbling Exe to Dulverton. Hoorah for Sue who not only came and did some of this extra walking with us, but gave us a lift back to the 2 Moors Way (apart from Simon who, with a rather purist expression on his face, elected to walk the extra 5 miles - we will never hear the end of it doubtless.)

Our B&B turned out to include the extra attractions of hare and red deer watching, not to mention newts and the great dormouse escape - but that's another story.

And today we followed the river Barle through more dappled woods, spotting dippers (that's a bird) and bearded tits (so is that. yes it is) - and then up onto the moor and here we are in the SUN

Only hoping the weather will be as good tomorrow - haven't dared look at the forecast yet!

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