Wednesday 28 May 2008

live blog from the B&B

breakfast was nice but it is raining again and hard to get up the enthusiasm for the walk ahead. Fortunately it is only a short 8-mile hop today. Btw if you are reading this please leave comments we need the encouragement.


Fallow said...

OK - Some encouraging words from the Fallows - we think you are insane and will never speak to you again if you come home with pneumonia, dry rot, mildew or some other dire ailment! However, greatly enjoying reading the blog (esp Wilf's contribution) from a warm, dry study.

Keep smiling


Unknown said...

Watching the Rakes' Progress from sunny New York loft with some concern for your health. I think that you should balance out your week of wet moorland with a week of sunny tropical beach somewhere. Surely you deserve it! Keep eating many treats and sing!

JDRF SW said...

Congratulations Simon and Family from the South West JDRF Team for your fantastic progress to date!

We have been thinking of you in this miserable weather and very much appreciate you undertaking this challenge in aid of JDRF.

We see you have now beaten your staggering £3000 target which is wonderful. From everyone at JDRF - thank you. It is very much appreciated!

Look forward to hearing from you when you are back in the warmth and dry! Thanks again.
Megan and Louise - JDRF South West

dan said...

hello wilf it is me daniel and i am writing this is going to rain and rain.....NOT! it is gunna BE SUNNY ENJOY AND HAVE FuN

slender said...

Yep - buck, buck, buck up! This is the last of the rain. Slap on loads of SPF, strip down to your shirtsleeves and enjoy the sunny views! Well done y'all for getting through the yukky yuk yuk bits.

NicSinc said...

Where abouts are you? We hope you have a boat with you as it has been raining all day in Chulmleigh... (which is quite close to the "TMW").... Keep smiling :) Grace and family xx

Bill and Moira said...

Feel almost guilty being in the warm and dry while reading about your very wet experiences. Sending you all lots of warm and dry wishes and hoping you now get some of the weather we've got. We so admire your pluck and grit, keep plodding on.

Unknown said...

Hello all, hope you had a splendid lunch, if you could send Susie home at some point, I'd be grateful. Weather reports looking a bit better for the next couple of days so I hope that gets to you - hope the next bit goes well! Thinking of you all.
