Saturday 31 May 2008

As the end draws near...

Today was a very alarming day. It was composed of several thing that we were unacustomed to, such as sun, other people, and being able to wear something lighter than a suit of chain mail without getting ones flesh ripped to pieces by bits of rain, moving, horizontally, at mach 3. This was extremely surprising to several members of our party, especially at the appearence of the sun, at which they decided to build a monolithic temple to this flaming ball of gas, and sacrafice wilf so that it would rise again the next day.

We walked along the banks of the river Barle, in which both wilf and I paddled (cannot be bothered to enclose a photo), and all in all made a somewhat uneventful trip (apart from events previously mentioned).

We are now at the rather luxurious hotel, preparing for our final night of this godforsaken walk.

From the nimbly dancing fingers of Oliver.


Unknown said...

I am god.

I have not foresaken you, or your walk.

Well, maybe a bit.


I was watching telly.

Fallow said...

Medals all round for enduring and triumphing - not that we ever expected otherwise! Looking forward to seeing you back and dried out (you should pardon the expression) and to hearing all the bits deemed unfit for general publication.
